It started on Saturday, really. I installed a new air filter on the air conditioner. Unlike a traditional brick home, the filter for our double-wide is the 'standard' 1/2-inch variety used in mobile homes. So, for our house, we buy the "cut-to-fit" type. Hey, look, I can't help the things that pop in my head, man...
In any case, while replacing the filter, I noticed something on the condenser coils. So, this morning, after we came home following Sunday School, I got out the Mean Green and got the coils cleaned up pretty well. We'll prolly have someone come in who knows what they're doing to get them really clean, but for now, it works.
I may have mentioned a bit of a leak in the shower... I may not have.... Well, there is one - or was one. So, since I have no idea what I'm doing, I decided to put two and two together. We had a tube of silicone gel caulking left over from the flooring in the kitchen (used to seal around the washer/dryer in case of water leak). I went to Wal-Mart and grabbed a caulking gun (which had a built-in seal piercing rob, but I was too clueless to know what the thing was until after I had used a long deck nail to accomplish the task). 'major' screws holding parts together are the goofy square-headed kind, and the screw holding the shower track in place is no different. Messed with that a bit, and finally got the bottom track off.
Let me tell you, if you even SUSPECT water may be getting under your shower track, do something about it NOW! The build of water, etc under the track was AWFUL! But, I got it all cleaned up, dropped the track back in p[lace, and started caulking it up. I'm sure there is some kind of 'smoothing' tool I am supposed to use, but I tried a flathead screwdriver. For the record, that does not work well for this project. So, I just angled the bead a bit and went for the 'overlapping, make sure there are no air pockets' approach. I told Shan that I may be redoing it in a week, but we'll know more on Tuesday (has to cure for 24 hours, and I am giving some extra time to be sure). I'll let you know....
I think things like this fall under the general home up-keep category: cleaning the grill cover for the air conditioner condenser. Over time, dust and other stuff gets built up on the air intake fins of the filter cover. So, while I was in that room, I decided that I just as well get that taken care of, too. The little things are the "5 minute" jobs we hate to do and know that they won't take any time at all. That is why I am so bad about doing them. In my mind, I think, "Oh, I can do that later since it won't take long..." But then, that very thinking pushed the task further and further back from being completed. I bit the bullet, so to speak, and got it done. So, there ya go...

Ahhh, the season premier of Desperate Housewives aired tonight. There is nothing like escaping reality by watching the residents of the absolute, most insanely populated street in the world. Just as I had shaken my head in disbelief at the Steelers earlier today, I did the same as I watched the friends make their "no more lies" pact, which I believe they make EVERY season at some point, don't they? :-) Yes, I'm a straight guy who likes the show. Sex, humor, rumor, kids, murder, mayhem, cancer, false pregnancies, replacement children, botched fake suicide attempts, and a pizza place... What's not there to like? :-)

Craig Biggio walked into the MLB circa 1988. Though I am not an Astros fan, per se, I instantly bought into the whole Biggio bandwagon. He came in heading for the Hall of Fame. Twenty years later, he played in his final game and bid farewell to the team he played with for his entire career. I have no doubts he will reach Cooperstown when his time comes up for nomination. He is not one of "greatest players of all time," though he is certainly one of the best (and THE best in many categories) Astros ever. He is one of the all-around "good guys" of baseball, and that is EXACTLY why he should/will end up in the HOF. Congratulations, Mr. Biggio, and thank you for playing the game, raising millions for children's charity, and for hanging out with the fans for twenty years!

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