Jan 7, 2010

At Any Time and Place - School on a snow day!?

When YOUR local school district calls for a "snow day," just what does that mean for the students at those schools?  In many places, it means the kids get to don big, heavy coats and head for the great white outdoors.

In Emporia, Kansas, a snow day means students simply attend school from home.  Yes, even on a snow day, the kids go to school.  I'm not sure if it just applies to the students that could not make it to school or if it applies to all students.  I am assuming it is for those that could not attend because that school has actually CLOSED for weather-related issues on Friday (Jan 8, 2010).

The real story, though, is discussed (with agenda and feedback from students who participated) to a much greater degree here: http://dmcordell.blogspot.com/2010/01/at-any-time-and-place.html

I highly recommend checking it out!  The future of "anytime, anywhere" learning is in full swing today.

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