Feb 23, 2007

A little bit Michael.... 100% Pittsburgh!

I took this quiz and came up 30% Michael. I'd say that's about right. Some of you are painfully aware that I am a HUGE Michael fan (well, a fan of his music and entertaining, not much the guy himself). I did not own a red leather jacket, but I did wear other Michael-esque (no, not the surgical mask!) things at one time or another... I also took the "How Pittsburgh Are You" quiz and scored a 100%! My mother got 95%. We think it was the 'cutting the grass' question....
You Are 30% Michael Jackson!

Hey guess what, you are a bit like Michael Jackson! Just a little bit! You don't dangle babies, but you probably know whether or not Annie is okay. And maybe, just maybe, you owned a red leather jacket at one point. ... but probably not.

How Michael Jackson Are You?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

1 comment:

  1. I took the Michael quiz. I am 71% Michael! I think it was the coke or pepsi question that did you in. You know that stuff removes rust, yet you still drink it regularly. I am 100% Pittsburgh, though! Those little quizzes are fun! As far as Idol, I think it shoudl be Lakisha Jones. She is just awesome! I agreed with Simon about her outfit last week though. To big a girl to wear a mini jean skirt, to big bossomed to wear the clingy jersey top she had on. She looked like she belonged on Liberty Avenue.......But her endition of Midnight Train to Georgia was incredible!
