To me, this goes to the heart of the whole MySpace issue. Look, there are bad people out there. What were we told as kids? "Don't talk to strangers." No, no, let's point the finger at the service provider instead of the kids themselves or the parents of the kids. Want to know what your child is doing online and on MySpace? MONITOR THEM! DUH! How hard is that? Schools block MySpace as a means to keep the kids out of there. Parents can do the same without anything more sophisticated than their own two eyes, and perhaps a timer...

So, one of the Lions' coaches was busted for a DUI and, in a separate incident, for driving nude, though the Lions front office says alcohol was involved with that, too... No kidding! Can you see that conversation (this is fiction, folks):
"You were stopped and asked to get out of the car?"
"And the officer saw you were...unclothed...and asked you to get back in your car immediately?"
"Were you drunk!?"
"No! I was not drunk! I was just driving around town, having a good time, and -"
"Whoa. Look, you WERE drunk."
"No, I was-"
"Drunk! I don't care if you were or not! For the record, you..were..drunk. Period."
"No buts! If anyone asks, you were so wasted, you're not even sure how you managed to find keys in the first place!"
In our hectic, busy lives, sometimes we get ahead of ourselves... At work, we received an email reminding us that the Daylight Savings Time shift had been adjusted, and that this year, it would occur earlier than in the past. The email also reminded us that the change would happen this coming weekend. Not really paying attention, it just kinda went in one ear (eye?) and out the other, since it IS only Tuesday... Shortly after this message, however, another appeared, letting us know that we still had a month before we had to worry about the time change... :-) It's very reassuring to know that things like that happen to the best of us...
We got several emails that have those 'tell your friends about you' surveys in it. One question is "What is your favorite cereal?" For me, that's easy: Anything with marshmallows. Yes, those "sickeningly sweet, hard as a rock until you put one drop of milk on them" marshmallows... Lucky Charms, Cars, Franken-Berry, Dora, Spongebob, you name it... In fact, what I really wish someone would come up with is a cereal that is ALL marshmallows... Man, that would be awesome!
I programmed my license plate LED scroller to read: "My other vehicle is a thoroughbred..." It makes people stop and think a minute... Of course, I may add a line that reads: "If you must drink and drive, drive a HEMI" But, that's not very politically correct... So, maybe, "If you must drink and drive, drink Coke and drive a HEMI" I dunno, we'll see...
One of the questions in that survey email was "Red or Pink" - I'm as old school as they come. Pink is for girls. All this "tough enough to wear pink" crap is just some lame excuse to get 'normal' guys to break down and wear pink. No thanks. In fact, I saw a story on TV the other night that one jailhouse is issuing pink garb to the male inmates as a deterrent to repeat offenses. Interviews with the inmates showed guys saying, "I am not coming back here to wear this pink (stuff)!" Amen, brother! Public hangings? Public electrocutions? Nope, you wanna stop repeat criminals? Make them wear pink their first time in.... (And before the world goes ballistic on my 'normal' reference, to me it is not normal for a guy to wear pink. Got a problem with it? Wear all the blankety-blank pink you want....)
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