May 28, 2009

Man, three days already?

I can't believe it's been three days since I last put something on here. I guess it's because I usually update my Facebook and then forget all about writing things on here. Or maybe I'm just losing my mind. Either way...

The good news is that I had my annual employee evaluation on Wednesday. I know, that's not usually a starting point for good news. In my case, it was good news. I'm still gainfully employed. When I have two bosses, plus at least two people from each school district we serve chiming in on my performance, I am never really sure how things will go. Granted, I have a good idea of how I'm doing in general, but if you've ever had an eval, you know that things can come up that you had forgotten about or that seemed minor to you but important to someone else. It is the nature of things. In my case, I have some areas of improvement, but that is how everyone's eval should go. I mean, if we didn't have to grow, then why bother working there anymore?

My aunt found a box of trading cards and asked if I wanted them. Of course! Little did I realize this was a jumbo shoebox full of cards - baseball, hockey, football, and who knows what else. It'll take me a while to go through them! I'm looking forward to it big time - yeah, I'm a big kid...

More to come...

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