We had a BLAST with everyone that came over for our annual New Year's playtime! This year, we played Disney ThinkFast!, DanceDanceRevolution HottestParty 2 (yes, that is really what it is called), and other Wii games. We also talked, laughed, and had a great time taking pictures. I'll post pics later after we get them uploaded.

Greg and Michelle became the DDR champs, both getting "A's" for their efforts on the dance pad. Seriously, the crazy game gives you a grade. Greg was the first to pop an "A" and the family feud was on! Michelle had to come back and get an "A" just to keep Greg in line. :-)
Nick showed us how badly certain songs can be 'played' in Guitar hero 3, and I grabbed the mic for a rather awful rendition of "What Time Is It" from High School musical in "Sing It"... We did not get to bust out the singStar this year, but we are planning a 'singstar' date in the near future! :-)
About the night-time pictures from our visit to the Christmas lights: I agree that taking the pics without a flash would be much better, but I didn't have time (didn't want to take the time, really) to stop and be that still. It was flippin cold, too. :-)
I'll pass along the advice to Emily about her self-portraits. Thanks for the tip on that one. :-) She loves taking pictures of herself, and with her new digital camera, she'll be taking lots of photos I'm sure!

I used my Christmas money to but the first season of 'big bang theory' and can't wait to pop it into the DVD player! :-)

We went and saw 'bedtime stories' on Tuesday with the kids. that was a very good movie, especially for an Adam sandler flick. Don't get me wrong, I like sandler and all, but some of his movies are just, well, brainless... :-) This was good fun at the theater. :-)
Pictures and more random thoughts still to come!
Big Bang Theory is one of my faves! Penny used to be the oldest daughter on 8 rules for dating my daughter. Leonard is David from Roseanne and Russ from Christmas Vacation. Even Sara Gilbert is on the show as Leonard's X! She was Darlene on Roseanne! Very Cool show. Nerdy is the new sexy!