Oct 28, 2013

#inacol13 Monday: Coast-to-Coast Pathways to Competency-Based Education

Please note: These are rough notes. Editing may be needed and clarification may be needed upon further review. I apologize for any typos and/or incomplete/inaccurate information. Information entered in this blog is replicated out to various online outlets automatically.

Why I chose this:
Much like my choice for the Michigan presentation earlier today, I chose this one because I want to see what other states are doing/have done with their online education rollouts. In this case, the focus is on Oregon, Iowa, and New Hampshire.

What I Learned/Am Learning:
Oregon Goals

  • Every student prepared for college and career
  • Focus on student learning, not on accumulating points
  • Create environments where students are partners in their learning
  • Oregonlearns.org
Students can take classes in a Proficiency-based format. Proficiency in grade-level standards separate from non-academic factors (takes out discipline, attendance, etc)

There are documents and powerpoints on the Oregon Dept of Ed website.

Sufficient evidence of student demonstrated knowledge and skills that meet or exceed defined levels of performance

K/S/T - Knowledge, Skills, Transfer

District Support:
  • Trainers/coaches
  • Regional Services
  • Open Enrollment
  • Contracts with districts
  • Webinars
  • BEC (Business Education Compact) Document Portal
  • "On Request" folders
  • Document review
  • Team Teaching
  • Monthly Software Reviews: Remind 101, Quizlet, Class Dojo
Two categories of proficiencies/standards: those that are taught and those that are taught and assessed. Gradebooks are standards-based.


Eliminated the Carnegie unit as the basis for credit. Base credit earnings on competency.
Legislature got behind the program, gave grants for the Iowa CBE collaborative
Iowa Guidelines and Definitions: what does "proficiency" mean? What is "competency?" etc...
Students must DEMONSTRATE their competencies and proficiencies. 

Policy changes:
Code regarding credit earning
State code regarding definitions of "unit" - eliminate words like "time" or "Carnegie unit"

J-Term - 3 weeks to engage in standards-based and project-based learning environments

There is a lot more information but it was on slides that are available online. I can/will provide links to those later Monday evening or Tuesday.


Must support teachers and set the bar high for students and support the students.

Knowledge/Skills/Work Study Practices

Improve the system we have as we innovate the system we need (creating the new space).

Improve Instructional Core:
Raise level of content taught, Increase skills of teacher, Increase level of student's active learning.

Students are learning in deeper ways, so they must be assessed in deeper ways. Performances must be demonstrated in order to assess competencies.  Tasks get tested, tasks tests are vetted.

2013: New minimum standards for K-12 - grade levels are NOT MENTIONED; students must show mastery of district competencies.

Eventually, students could move ahead based on skills/competencies and not simply by age groups.

Charters can already have grade-level-less advancement.

Connections to teacher evaluation and proficiency based on student competencies and proficiencies. 

Again, additional information will be shared via links either later Monday or Tuesday.

You can have letter grades associated with CBE.

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