Oct 9, 2009

TIE Training for Friday, October 09, 2009

My plan for this is to do what I did at NECC a few years ago: I will update the blog semi-live throughout the day. All updates will be shown at the bottom of this post as I update. The best place to get quick up-to-the-minute updates is on my twitter: http://twitter.com/davidinark.

For starters, TIE (http://tie.k12.ar.us/) is a project started by the education service center where I work and stands for Technology Infused Education. We are training teachers, techs, and other school personnel to be trainers of technology infusion and integration.

8:00a CST - George Lieux and Harry Dickens are presenting the state's subscription to http://www.nettrekker.com/. Every public k12 school in the state has access to a very cool search engine and information organization tool. One of the features is the Timeline which shows people, events, technology, etc within time periods the teacher/student selects. Students can then determine things such as "Would Abe Lincoln and Pable Picasso have known each other?" And then they can see when those people lived and look for overlap (or lack thereof).

8:30a CST - The TIE groups broke up into two groups. I am in the Tammy Worcester workshop. We just spent 30 minutes getting everyone hooked up. Evidently, the network here is not configured to handle this many laptops. We were able to get folks online, though, so now we are learning some google tools.

Google has advanced search features that let you pick file types, so you can limit your search to, say, just PowerPoint presentations on your topic (like "simple machines"). You can also add "jeopardy" to the search and find classroom-ready games about your topic!

iGoogle is a feature that lets you create your own custom 'landing page.' I've used it before, but never really liked what it does. I know a lot of people do like it, I just happen not to be one of them. (http://igoogle.google.com/).  You can use themes, add games, weather, sports, etc.

Need a reader for RSS feeds? Use http://www.google.com/reader and set one up. RSS allows you to subsscribe to certain webpages and blogs just like you might subscribe to a magazine (only RSS is free). So, you get updates without having to visit each and every one of your favorite sites. Instead, add the feed links into the reader and get everything by just going to google reader (or whatever SS feed reader you want to use).

Next up, blogging with blogger.com. In case you don't know, Blogger is hosting this site here, and is my primary choice for my other blogs, but there are other blog hosting sites out there. A lot of my friends use wordpress.com instead because they like the features. I say give each a try and see which you prefer. I actually have a wordpress account/site, but I like blogger for what I do. You can also add an iGoogle gadget to blog directly from your iGoogle page.

Http://www.vocaroo.com/ is a site that lets you record voice right into a site and then link to it or embed it in your site.

http://classtools.net/ has a random name picker (called "fruit picker"). Enter names then spin the wheel to have a name randomly selected to answer questions, etc. You can embed it into your blog/site, too! It can be used for ANY kind of list and have an item chosen randomly (states, people, facts, etc).

Google Docs can be shared through an invitation process. Google has free education service with limited capabilities. Teachers could set up a generic gmail account for all students to use and let them login under that account. Downside: you don't know who is doing what because they are logged in as the one account name. As a teacher, you could buy a domain from godaddy.com and that domain gives you a free email address. Set up the address as a 'catch-all' so no matter what email comes in, it goes to your default address. Students could log in as themselves@yourdomain.com. The catch-all grabs the verification emails, so the teacher would verify the accounts and therefore the students create their google accounts on the fly. The students could then use that address to login to ANY registration-based site! Very cool!

Google spreadsheets allow collaboration without requiring google accounts. Simply share with "no-login required" and allow people to edit the spreadsheet.

Google Form can be saved and shared then embedded into a site - could be a GREAT alternative to the crazy survey tool in SharePoint (you would need to have the 'embed code' hack for sharepoint before you could do that).

Google Maps allows you to find a location, click on it, then send that locatiion to your phone with phonoe number, etc! sweet!


1:00p - Kevin Honeycutt - Kids can make 110 decisions per minute - not always good ones.  Need mentors.  That is what we do. 

Jeff Hawkins "On Intelligence" book.  Start with biological intelligence and move to artificial intelligence.

Talk to the tech, but stay one Google search ahead.  You want to unblock Skype? Ask if it is something that can be done, while showing an example of how another district is already doing.

Got a kid that doesn't get it?  Hand the teacher technology the student can do over and over until they get it.  Podcasting, videocasting, etc.  Doesn't have to be great at first, just do it.

Open school of Utah - laptop to student,  kids get four years all online/youtube/etc.  How do we leverage technology.

two teachers in a tent. rest of teachers in lab.  kids crash with only technology. "we're cold" "we're hungry" "i think my leg is broke" - how do we help them?  research by the lab teachers to help those in the tent!  He uses a script, crisis-oriented.

Find a funny video, find one that teachees something you want to learn, find a video that would be good for kids to learn.

How do we tame the tool?  Preview the video before you show it!  Check the site before you take the kids there.  How about a sandbox? Several teachers try and learn and come with best practices to the rest of the teachers.  Small way in for technology and can work with the local tech guy.

Google docs - Web 2.0 and why? http://tinyurl.com/nwmuje

"Charlie Bit Me" - Think before you act!

http://www.classroom20.com/ - professional learning network of teachers.  self-directed staff development.

http://www.kevinhoneycutt.org/ - TONS of resources in the "Raid My Files" section!

AR-Media plug-in for Google sketchup takes a printed page and shows a 3d image.  I believe it is the same technology Topps is using for their new 3d baseball cards.  Cool stuff!

Project-based learning - show off the artifacts!  Give a scenario and let the kids solve the problem - with tech, without tech, some combo!

We are all PLURKING!  Man, this is a great tool for collaboration and getting quick feedback and input.
http://www.plurk.com/ is the place to go! (www.plurk.com/davidinark) is my site.

We are getting all kinds of resources.  If these are not compiled anywhere, I will compile them into one place/post so you can check them out for yourself!

check this out: http://www.freemosquitoringtones.org/ - see which sounds YOU can hear!

Art Snacks - art lessons, etc. must ask to join: http://essdackartsnacks.ning.com/ - art work, lessons, recordings, videos and more.

http://www.ustream.tv/ can be used safely - create your own channel, embed the channel in a protected space (like Ning, etc).  This is streaming live from your laptop/desktop for free.

http://www.cafepress.com/ - kids create, sell items online with kids artwork!  Money comes to the school/class - art, economics, etc.

This is a video based on a song that Kevin wrote.  He sang the song ALONE with only a guitar.  he posted the song on Plurk.  His network of friends took the song, added children's voices and modified the vocal sounds a little, another added percussion instruments, and othhers shot the video.  The result is amazing:

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