Dec 24, 2010

Christmas Song of the Day - Believe, from "Polar Express"

I love the book and the movie, "The Polar Express."  Though the Christian aspects of Christmas are easily explained (at least for me), some of the other aspects get jumbled and some people believe in certain things and others do not.

Aside from the reason CHRIST is in Christmas, believe in the goodness of others, in being charitable, in being OPEN to receiving charity and well wishes from others.  The story of Santa Claus is as old as the holiday itself (well, okay, maybe not quite), and knowing what St. Nicholas did and what he meant to those children lives in the traditions we have today.  Santa Claus and, even more importantly (I believe), the spirit of Santa Claus should always remain a part of the mystery and lore of the holiday season.

Believe in the wonder of a child's eyes, the love of friends and family, the need to give something to those that require it (whether that be food, shelter, toys, or a warm smile).  Believe.

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